
We are able to provide for our kids, school, and teachers all thanks to you! For every receipt you scan for box tops, every time you place an order using Amazon Smile, when you attend the PTO carnival, etc. you are helping fund projects like the ones below!

Outdoor Learning Environment

In the Spring of 2020, we purchased tables and benches to initiate an outdoor learning environment for our students to enjoy throughout the school year. We hope to add upon this space in the next couple of years. Students will begin to utilize this area once classes resume in the Fall of 2020.

Recess Bags

For the 2020-2021 school year, Longbranch PTO purchased a different selection of items so that every class would have their own recess bag to utilize while spending time outside. A special thanks to Stonegate Church for donating the bags for this project!

Teacher Grants

In the Spring of 2020, we provided an assortment of classroom enhancements and supplies to teachers. An example of the items included were stem bins, rolling carts, books, etc. The kids were especially surprised seeing the delivery of these items to their classrooms!